
Showing posts from October, 2020
                                                                              October 23 One important thing I made was..... I have thought about this for a good 10 minutes and I've come to a conclusion that I have no idea what I've done important. One thing did came to my mind but it wasn't as something important but like a instinct that I had to do kind of. In band in the end of the week or at a halftime we a performance and in band I'm a percussion or a quad player that plays the 4 drums and when we do a performance we have 1 week to put a show in bad we have to memorize lots of steps and counts in halftime. We had to do a really long step/walk that was hard to memorize and just hard to do and in the moment when we where performing I forgotten the big walk but somehow when I was playing my legs just moved by themselves and Id hadn't noticed it until I finished the whole performance and overall it felt weird but cool and scary, and when I say scary because you wou
                                                                                  Pedestrian first impression It so weird to just walk and to think that a cops just pulls up to you and just takes you away but the whole story just seemed weird from the beginning.
                                                                            October 21 I feel like a slapped in the head for believing hat and for what it seems to be a scam and I just sit back and think what to do. I would react confused and made but in the same time try to think how I can just get this day over with and move on.
                                                                   October 22 I really don't know but it seems that some graffiti has a bad image and may say something bad/ there's a bad message but only a few people may get it or there's just something lude or something in the drawing. When it comes to the business to put ugly things on they had the right and they probably have papers that they have the right to put up that ugly image. The difference from signs and graffiti is that they business had papers and rights to them but the graffiti is illegal nobody has he right to put it there.
                                                                              October 20 If I had 50 million i would invest the money and try to earn more or I would just save the money and spend it for only important things like a house etc.., but it would be very cool if  that ever happened.
                                                                            August 17 I often just feel really mad and lazy to eve try to fix them. Often times its just boring to fix the problems you do from writing a 5 page paragraph and just having got do the whole thing again is just dumb, but it also helps you to be prepared for what happens and to make sure you can try to repent it from ever happing again.
                                                                               August 18 One thing that we did in class yesterday was read that one poem and to find out that the guy who was writing it was just really sad and didn't seem like a bright guy and I don't know why but why do all poems seem so sad to read its stupid but in the same time I don't really care its hard to explain but I'm a kind of guy that just doesn't like reading poems be use half the times a teacher will just take 40 minuses talking about one word like the word THE. Some teachers will take 40 minutes to just explain the word THE in a paragraph and try too find the meaning out of word.
                                                                                 August 19 A book that makes it interesting isn't the book itself but the actual person there could times when their is a really good book that everybody loves but their is always that one person who just finds it uninteresting and just drops it and never reads it again. If you like reading books then mostly any book is fun to read and that you are an easy going guy that just reads book.
                                                                          August 20 I think the reason old people want to feel young is that they miss running being more energetic and feeling the pressure of happiness and the trill of having that rush of when you were young. As us young people we wish to older to already live these tough moments in our lies right now. One example is if your to young to get into a movie and you just wish to be older to watch that one movie your were wish but your age got into the way or something but most people have their own reason they want to be older.
                                                                          August 21 The word can mean one thing and its your passion or someone you have feelings for. For some people they love the sport that doesn't mean they love it to a sexually extent but for a passion and that are really exited for when their favorite team win, another meaning is that people are love each other and when people love each other things can happen. One day your girlfriend breaks up with you and you feel as though someone shot your heart and its been broken. People either use this as a drive and try to make music to express their feelings and go past their.
                                                                                August 24 One thing that I thought was going to be really good idea was to jump out of high places when I was little but as I got older I learned that, that was a really stupid and dumb idea it seemed really cool to jump from high places and make a super hero landing and not have a scratch on you but now that I see it you can hurt yourself really bad.
                                                                                  August 25 One thing that interesting for is playing games but for some people that can seem as something boring and wasting your time on. There can be times when you just want to have fun and relax with your friends and have a good time, but for some people it seems that playing games is a waste of energy and that it rots your brains.
                                                                                      August 27 In this school year I believe school goes like this, learn this pass this and ace it no matter what it feels really shit without actual teachers to teach us if feels like we are robots and that we have to learn it no matter what and that if we fail we are given chances but it really depends on the teacher that gives us the chances.
                                                                               August 28 When theirs a tech issue I always try again two more times to see if not my fault but when their is an actual tech issue I try to look up information to try to fix it in the internet or YouTube to help me fix the problem I am having.
                                                                               August 31 This song felt nice to hear and it sounded really good and it made the quote feel much alive. Its hard to find songs that make the words feel alive and make it feel like each word has its own unique sound and, I totally agree. 
                                                                                         October 19 When you are stepping over the line it can means lots of things but most of the time it means that you made other person sad or mad. When people said you are stepping over the line it means you said it and it can never be said again/ you said something so bad and that everybody heard that made the person feel so mad or sad.
                                                                            October 16 I am for sure not proud of my grades but I can learn from this and be better the next time. This year really sucked and it felt so shit. I basically got karma for not doing my homework and it feels bad but I can learn from this and be a better person the next time a problem like this rises again if it ever happens.
                                                                        September 1 One song that just comes up to my minds when theirs nothing to do is the ghost buster song. Its so catchy and its really hard to get it out. Another one is the Michael Jackson songs they are were really good back then and some people might not like him but some of his songs were fun to just to listen or hum to.
                                                                          September 2 I don't really know when that could happen some people just laugh to hard because they cant hold it or they are just easy to laugh. To be honest their is multiple times when my friends just said the dumbest things and I just bust out a laugh for the dumbest reason ever.
                                                                         September 3  Its hard to think that each word makes who you are and its incredible that you cannot go back in time to change what you sad and to say to prevent the words that make you look like a loser, there could be lots of things that toddlers say but I think that its dumb when they say use your own words when they don't even know the god dam ABC perfectly.
                                                                             September 4 I smile really easy and its really cool the amount muscles that you need to make a smile. The human body is is cool and its unbeveled that since our birth our heart has never stopped beating but the smile is something I think everybody in the world can do. Things that make me smile could be lots of things like funny memes or just funny dry dark humor I like all kind of comedy.
                                                                                September 8  Not gonna lie I would still eat it if my eyes were closed and the I wouldn't taste the bug at all and the other flavors would subsite true and the bug or insect would be like nothing.
                                                                           September 9 I would prefer minor if I'm also getting paid because I don't like bein in the spotlight and I don't know I just feel like I would help but I would also want to paid good if I play a minor role.
                                                                        September 10  One thing that happened to me unexpected was when me and my sister were playing by stomping or shoes on top of each other and just when I was about to stomped my sister feet she moved and I stepped on a rusty steel needle of something. It felt like nothing and I wouldn't notice it until I felt dizzy I didn't want to look at the hole and my feel so I just laid back and did nothing and my mom and grandparents took my to a doctor and for the next 5 weeks it healed and still to this day I hated that steel needle.
                                                                     September 11 For the magic the one thing would be infinite amount money and food and from their on I would know what to do. Their could be lots of things that you want do but their might come up to your brain and you just sleep or something. I believe that failure is the key to success and that makes everything less hard and you would know what you would have to work at and that you would be better in life and would prevent the same thing happening to your child if you have one.
                                                                      September 14  I think some rituals is when you get your drivers card and becoming old enough to vote and be an adult. For the age their could our 16th or 15th birthday and 18th birthday which tells people you are a full grown up and that you are an adult in the new world.
                                                                        September 15  One thing that changed was when my sister moved out and I got myself my own room the change felt good but iv also felt sad becaseu at the beginning their was a big and empty spot and nothing could cover it. As time passed by things came into room and made it feel less empty and felt much better.
                                                                        September 16 Yes a person can love something a lot for example. A person who is a dog or a cat person they love their pets so much and they start to have a better time with them than anybody in the world. Their is no such thing as loving something to much.
                                                                             September 17 I think one thing that requires skill and its a game and its called rainbow six siege. That game is so fun but also requires a lot of skill to just service. For the learning the process is by falling, making mistakes and doing better the next time. For the information is by commutating and doing a better job and by doing simple yet better task and being a good player in all. In the game you have to be good at hearing sound, quick reactions and having mindful of your surrounding and not getting killed from behind.
                                                                                    September 18 Since this pandemic school been more boring and less fun and less active. I do not find my self being happy at all in fact this has been the worst year in history for me. This years just is overmely shit and crap nothing except games is fun thiers homeowork but that just feels a nuncionsto do and its not fun.
                                                                          September 21 The teachers desk would be the one I would and you would see the students change seats and move place to place, and unlike the rest of the students you would not have to move seats because you would see the whole history of that one classroom year and you would see all the different things that happened to each student.
                                                                                   September 22  Personally I think its just dumb and stupid that people just stab themselves or cut them selves, like WHYYYYYY theirs help out there go to a counselor and fix the problems if our being bullied just move schools and be productive and happy again don't kill or cut your selves in the belly and hope somebody is going to save you. The only time people will care is when you are dead and only for some weeks you will be remembered and cared for but then after a few years you will not be remembered and loved for.
                                                                       September 23/24 There could be lots of things to happen if a tree falls in a forest one might be that. When the tree is falling down it lands on other tree that cushions the fall and there should no sound except the bark breaking. Another one is that the and you would just have to have very very good hearing is that you heard the echo of a tree falling and breaking, you don't see it but you hear the echo of it after it fell.
                                                                September 25 There is lots of things In which you have to take your time with. I believe doing your homework is one of does things. I really hate doing homework but its something that you have to get it over it and its something everybody has done so you should also do it yourself to just get it over with. I hate and love homework but its something to do once you are bored.
                                                                                 September 28 One thing that I did that made me feel better was complete all my biology homework that I had due and came out with a C+.
                                                                           September 29 Since I've watched the debate I thought that the debate was really funny trump couldn't shut up for a sec. He looked scared as if he was going to lose and not win. Biden and trump were both pretty funny and it was just a funny debate of two grown men just fighting each other to win. Personally I think Biden should win because I would not want 4 more years of trump any more.
                                                                READING V. LISTENING When you read it feels you are somehow connected to the book and it feels really good when either a bda part happening an you feel bad or a good part is happing and you feel happy but when you are listening it feels like trash. Last year my English teacher had the audio for and I forgot the name but it involved a person who killed the king and he killed people and he was told this by witches and it just felt so boring to just listen some people just slept and I put my head down. I personally like reading and not listening because when you listen you tend to get lazier and not be productive.
                                                                               September 30 I think one time I left like that was when my mom thought I took her money and. She repeated said to me where is it and I felt like a victims that couldn't speak up and my sister was just laughing at me and I didn't when I tried to respond she would she interrupt me and I said re trace your steps and what o you know she found her lost cash and when she looked at me she said sorry. Somedays she loses her money but not lose just forgot where she placed it and now she doesn't sent just goin at me she retraces her step and try's to find it herself.
                                          FIRST IMPRESSION OF A WEIRD LOVE SONG My first  impression is that the dude is writing a suicided poem and that he us ready to end his life and see death waiting for him. Some things that stood out for me was that he was a good hearted person but everybody just shunned him away and he thought only of sad stuff. It seemed really weird and when you read it to me it still doesn't feel like a live song it feels like a really really depressed love song. The poem affected me to be more happy and not think like a total sad dude and write sad depressing poems.
                                                                         October 14 I think the one time I felt it was the right thing to say was when I was in elementary and I used to play soccer with my friends and. In soccer you get hit with ball in the face, stomach, hand etc. One of my friends got hit really hard in the stomach and my friends laughed but they also showed concerned to helping him and it looked funny really funny because you don't normally get hit in the stomach and he was trying to block the ball from getting a goal and he got hit and just fell to the ground and. I helped him and I told him that its ok it happens to everybody but he felt happy but also embarrassed. I really don't know a time when I said the right thing but this felt like one in elementary.
                                                                   October 8 I really don't know. I think right now I have no idea what might happen to me in the future and frankly its scary to just think that. Like what will people say about me will they be sad, or will they just move on with life and slowly just forget about me? I hope they say that I was funny and cool to hang out in obituary but who knows I'm still young and I want to see what the future holds for me.
                                                                               October 2 I think that people are just busy and they need something to remind them today is the day to pic it up or to just buy it. If your not busy I think its good to just remind our self and remember it.
                                                                       October 5  I always wonder why people especially young people just smoke and be a total screw up when they are old. Like why do you do it you are not going to lie long and you are just going to be a total dumbass and and not lie a good life. Right now they are getting the support of their parents by beyond that when they are old they are going to start make life decisions to be better and not just spend on drugs which last like n hour.
                                                                       October 6 Its hard to just make a good friend. At first your total strangers but as you get to know each other it becomes lots of fun and in this pandemic I've didn't make a new friend I just sat back and watched tv and ay video games, but I think the best way to met a friend is by being in persona and seeing each other in real life not by staring at a screen and hoping its not a guy or a pedo that just tricking you or when a person persons life is its cell phone in which case that bad and just dumb. 
                                                                     October 7 If I see a spider I take a picture and I find something to smash it with or Ill find a book and just throw it outside but it depends on the size. Its crazy to think that they are more afraid than us than we are to them and when we see a bug or something our instinct is to kill. Its strange but if it was me I would kill it ifs its big and take a picture of the after math and just show my friends that the spider go clapped by me.
                                                                            October 13 Its weird how fast you grow and its really cool but sad at the same when you were a kid you found everything to be so cool but now that you learn what they were and what they did it became kind of boring I don't really know why people just stop be so fun when they get older. it really depends what kind of person you are and how you spend your time with your family or just being alone. I thin this generation half of the teens are just pot smokers and just smoke everyday and they love it but if you really think about it they are going to get cancer, die young, and just be dumb in the future.
                                                                      October 12 In todays society theirs always something new and funny to watch in the internet. In the web you can find memes that may make you laugh and be happy or you can go to a new website you never been to and find what news in there site that you may not have seen. In JR High everything started with www it was fumy if you said because www sounds dull but if you add something at the end it can be really funny. In the internet theirs all kinds o site to hep you with homework or just to study one is called the wiki and its a site that holds a bunch of information about people, places, etc.
                                                                          October 9th When I think about someone who is important to me I think about my mom because she helped me everyday since I was born. I think what most important to her is her children because they are her family and she loves me and my sister very much.
                                                            YOUNG OLD GOOD BAD                                       I think that  Hawthorne wrote Young Good Man to show the reader that not everyone is good inside and out. I think that Stephen king was moved because it showed that peoples true intention and secrets sides of them or something. It shows that people sometimes wear a mask and you never know what their true intentions are, and the power of imagination is really scary because you might believe you are talking to real person but what you are talking to is a plant in your mind you see a person but what others see is that you are talking to a plant.